FUSION A.I.R. presents
The Hague >< Torino
Curated by Wieteke Heldens & Barbara Fragogna
The Hague >< Torino
Curated by Wieteke Heldens & Barbara Fragogna
Inaugurazione Venerdì 9 novembre dalle 19
Inaugurazione Venerdì 9 novembre dalle 19
Talking With Hands / Part 2
Inaugurazione Venerdì 2 Novembre h. 19 Fusion Art Gallery / Inaudita Piazza Peyron, 9G, Torino Fusion Art Gallery / Inaudita, Torino e Quartair Contemporary Art Initiatives, The Hague presentano la mostra collettiva Talking With Hands con Pietertje Van Splunter, Jessy Rahman, Harold de Bree, Erik-Jan Ligtvoet, Thom Vink, Mike Rijnierse, Ludmila Rodrigues e Wieteke Heldens, Geeske Harting e Astrid Nobel. La mostra è a cura di Wieteke Heldens & Barbara Fragogna e fa parte dei circuiti NESxT, COLLA, ContemporaryArt Torino e Piemonte ed è sostenuta da Stroom Den Haag. La mostra Talking With Hands rientra nell’ambito del programma FUSION AIR – Artisti-in-Residence da un’idea sviluppatasi dopo la Residenza di Wieteke Heldens nel 2016 di creare una relazione forte e continuativa tra Fusion / Inaudita di base a Torino e Quartair Contemporary Art Initiatives di base a L’Aia. Il titolo della mostra collettiva: "Talking With Hands" nasce dal tipo di comunicazione in cui il gruppo di artisti olandesi di base a L’Aja si trova ad utilizzare quando i suoi membri si trovano in Italia. Gli italiani sono noti per la loro coreografica gestualità. Inoltre, dato che gli italiani con fatica parlano altre lingue, i molti stranieri che si avvicinano al nostro paese sono in qualche modo costretti a cimentarsi in questa forma di linguaggio. I lavori in mostra alla Fusion Art Gallery Inaudita richiamano metaforicamente questa comunicazione gestuale. L’opera d’arte è una forma di comunicazione, su questo poniamo l’accento, e proprio a causa della sua forma visiva, fisica, materica, può e riesce a creare un contatto diretto con il pubblico che ne è fruitore. “The hand of the human may be distinguished by the precision grip; however, the humanity of the hand, Heidegger argued, lies in its possession by the word. ‘Man does not “have” hands, but the hand holds the essence of man, because the word as the essential realm of the hand is the ground of the essence of man’ (Heidegger 1992: 80). Thus language holds the hand, and the hand holds man.” (p. 113 uit: Making: Making Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Architecture van Tim Ingold, 2013) Tutti gli artisti in mostra sono membri del Quartair – Contemporary Art Initiatives e nel contesto di uno scambio che ha già visto la sua prima parte svolgersi a L’Aia in Settembre dove otto artisti di base a Torino (Davies Zambotti, Maya Quattropani, Sebastiano Mortellaro, Valeria Dardano, Alessandro Fara, Ettore Pinelli, Barbara Fragogna e Leardo Sciacoviello) hanno lavorato sullo stesso tema, sono stati prodotti dei nuovi lavori sul concept Talking with Hands per la mostra a Torino. Il gruppo di artisti olandesi a Torino è costituito da: Pietertje Van Splunter, Jessy Rahman, Harold de Bree, Erik-Jan Ligtvoet, Thom Vink, Mike Rijnierse, Ludmila Rodrigues e Wieteke Heldens, Geeske Harting e Astrid Nobel. Questa mostra quindi nasce da una necessità artistica. Creando nuove opere, mostrandole reciprocamente a L’Aia e a Torino e comunicandole, si ottengono nuove influenze e una diversa prospettiva sul proprio lavoro. Per gli artisti è importante lavorare al di fuori del confortevole ambiente familiare per acquisire nuove conoscenze. È proprio a causa della barriera linguistica che è interessante "parlare" attraverso l’opera in forma di performance, fotografia, pittura e installazione, il lavoro stesso deve comunicare. Il titolo della mostra è una giocosa chiave di accesso anche se, naturalmente, i lavori presentati non hanno nulla di didascalico e le opere individuali formano comunque un insieme coerente. |
Titolo: Talking with Hands Artisti: Pietertje Van Splunter, Jessy Rahman, Harold de Bree, Erik-Jan Ligtvoet, Thom Vink, Mike Rijnierse, Ludmila Rodrigues e Wieteke Heldens, Geeske Harting e Astrid Nobel. Luogo: Piazza Peyron, 9g, 10143 Torino A cura di: Wieteke Heldens e Barbara Fragogna Inaugurazione: venerdì 9 novembre 2018 ore 19 Orari di apertura: dal giovedì al sabato dalle 16 alle 19.30 CONTACTS: Info:+39 3493644287 | www.fusionartgallery.net | [email protected] www.quartair.nl |
Artist initiative Quartair, in The Hague, Netherlands, is a platform for production, presentation and artistic debate. Quartair supports exhibitions, projects and exchanges with artists and artist-run-spaces around the world.
Harold de Bree (Voorschoten, Netherlands, 1966). Studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, The Hague and at the Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam (1987/1991). De Bree works across media such as installation, assemblage and painting. (harolddebree.nl)
Harold de Bree works across media such as installation, assemblage and painting. Playing on historical institutional tropes, he tries to pose complex questions about power, culture and nationalism.
Geeske Harting graduated in the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, 1990. Harting has a poetic realistic style, telling stories of everyday life with a surrealistic perspective. www.geeskeharting.nl
Geeske Harting’s main medium is painting. She has a poetic realistic style, telling stories of everyday life with a surrealistic perspective.
Wieteke Heldens (Ottersum, Netherlands, 1982) graduated from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague (2007). She exhibited in the The Hague Gemeente Museum, in Switzerland, Belgium and Paris and did an Artist in Residence in Chongqing, China. She currently lives and works in The Hague and New York. In 2013 she won the Royal Prize for Painting. (www.wietekeheldens.com)
Wieteke Heldens makes paintings, painthings and paintthings. She has often tried to make her last painthing, but she always fails. Heldens is consistently inconsistent. She obsessively needs the canvas to understand life. In her works she uses everything around her but she puts these personal anecdotes into abstract concepts.
Astrid Nobel (Ameland, Netherlands, 1983) graduated from the Academy Minerva, in Groningen (2007), after which she attended the postgraduate program DNA at De Vrije Academie, The Hague. She currently is a resident at the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten in Amsterdam. Her sculptures and installations focus on the in-between. Time, memory, opposites and borders or transitory areas are recurring themes. (astridnobel.nl)
Astrid Nobel works with drawing, photography, text, lost and found objects and wooden structures. Her sculptures and installations focus on the in-between. Time, memory, opposites and borders or transitory areas are recurring themes. Indissoluble contradictions like dream and reality, before and after, dark and light are united in the works. (astridnobel.nl)
Ludmila Rodrigues (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1979) is an artist and designer based in The Hague since 2009. She has a degree in Architecture (2006) and in Arts by the Artscience Interfaculty, Royal Academy of Art/Royal Conservatory, The Hague. Rodrigues works between sculpture and performance, often engaging the audience in a physical exploration of materials and space. (www.ludmilarodrigues.nl)
Ludmila Rodrigues is an artist and designer based in The Hague since 2009. She works between installation and performance, with a focus on the sense of touch. Her works invite the audience into a sensory exploration.
Erik Jan Ligtvoet (The Hague, Netherlands, 1968) was educated as sculptor at Royal Academy for Arts (KABK), The Hague. He has a passion for drawing and an abiding interest in the perception of space. Exploring the two dimensional representation of the object, he often uses multiple photographs, to create drawings that show various points of view on a single plane. (www.erikjanligtvoet.nl)
Erik Jan Ligtvoet has a passion for drawing and an enduring interest in the perception of space. Exploring the two dimensional representation of an object, he often uses multiple photographs, to create drawings that show various points of view on a single plane.
Mike Rijnierse (Haarlem, Netherlands, 1974) is an artist, performer and educator at Interaction Design, Arnhem, working in the fields of light, sound and architecture. He graduated by the Artscience Interfaculty, Royal Academy of Art/Royal Conservatory, in The Hague (2001). Rijnierse investigates the phenomena of light and sound in relation to our senses. (www.mikerijnierse.nl)
Mike Rijnierse is an artist, performer and educator, working in the fields of light perception and sound art. Rijnierse investigates the phenomena of light and sound in relation to space and architecture.
Jessy Theo Rahman (Paramaribo, Suriname, 1961) studied at the Free Academy of Fine Arts (1985) and the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) The Hague (1990). His interdisciplinary works range from mixed media to performance art. His playful interactions with audiences, either adults or children, animals or plants are based in this rich cultural background. (www.jessyrahman.nl)
Jessy Theo Rahman works between mixed media to performance art. His playful interactions with audiences, either adults or children, animals or plants are based in his rich cultural background.
Thom Vink studied visual arts at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague. He creates multidisciplinary, mixed media in response to the urban spaces he moves around, and to the objects he finds. Vink works between the Netherlands, Finland, India and Japan. (thomvink.com)
Thom Vink (Leiden, Netherlands, 1965) creates multidisciplinary, mixed media in response to the urban spaces he moves around, and to the objects he finds. Selecting and re-arranging images, sometimes combining them with projections, Vink’s works stir up memories of dreams, stories and experiences that feel connected to the body, and are remembered in the bones.
Pietertje van Splunter has a background as painter but leaves no medium unexploited. In paintings, videos and colourful spatial installations she consistently shows a perception of the world around her, which is both poetic and critical. Pietertje shows in this exhibition work out of the series of Colour wheel variations. Colour studies which form a coalition with the object. www.pietertje.net
Step by step: 1- SET UP in The Hague
“The hand of the human may be distinguished by the precision grip; however, the humanity of the hand, Heidegger argued, lies in its possession by the word. ‘Man does not “have” hands, but the hand holds the essence of man, because the word as the essential realm of the hand is the ground of the essence of man’ (Heidegger 1992: 80). Thus language holds the hand, and the hand holds man.”
(Making Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Architecture - Tim Ingold, 2013)
(Making Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Architecture - Tim Ingold, 2013)
Exhibition opening on Friday September 7th, 19:00-00:00
Until Sunday, September 23, 2018 From Thursday to Sunday 12:00-17:00 Or by appointment: [email protected] Friday, September 7, the first part of the exhibition 'Talking with Hands' will open in Quartair. Eight artists from Italy connected to the Fusion Art gallery, in Turin, will come to The Hague to show their work in the context of talking with hands, literary or metaphorical. Artists: Valeria Dardano Alessandro Fara Barbara Fragogna Sebastiano Mortellaro Ettore Pinelli Maya Quattropani Leardo Sciacoviello Davies Zambotti Exhibition opening on Friday September 7th, 19:00-00:00 Until Sunday, September 23, 2018 From Thursday to Sunday 12:00-17:00 Or by appointment: [email protected] Quartair Toussaintkade 55 Den Haag, The Netherlands www.quartair.nl |
Exhibition opening on Friday November 9th, 19:00-22:00
Until Friday, November 28, 2018 From Thursday to Saturday 16:00-19:30 Or by appointment: [email protected] Friday, November 9, the second part of the exhibition 'Talking with Hands' will open at Fusion Art Gallery / Inaudita. Ten artists from Holand connected to Quartair Contemporary Art Initiatives, in The Hague, will come to Torino to show their work in the context of talking with hands, literary or metaphorical. Artists: Harold de Bree Geeske Harting Wieteke Heldens Eric-Jan Ligtvoet Astrid Nobel Jessy Rahman Mike Rijnierse Ludmila Rodrigues Pietertje Van Splunter Thom Vink Fusion Art Gallery / Inaudita Piazza Peyron, 9G Torino, Italia www.fusionartgallery.net |